Site Information

Site number:
Date recorded:
Reason Sampled:
Soil moisture and permafrost characterisation; undisturbed site for geochemical and soil contamination reference characterisation
North eastern end of Lake Vanda approximately 1.1km north northeast of Vanda Station just above the benchmark marking the uppermost recognised old lake bench level; the surface is an even, broadly sloping surface on the western side of a fan which merges with the lake benches
150 m
9 °
Location Data
Observer IBC GGC
Latitude Longitude DMS 77° 31.1' S 161° 39.5' E 77° 31.1' S 161° 39.5' E
Latitude Longitude DD -77.5183 161.658 -77.5183 161.658
Latitude longitude precision DD 0.0008 0.004 0.0008 0.004
Locality Wright Valley, on the northern side opposite Vanda Station
Survey not recorded


Soil climate zone:
Central Mountain
Estimated mean annual temperature:
-24 °C
Frozen ground depth:
0 cm
Frozen type:
Dry frozen, loose
Frozen comment:


Geological setting:
The rocks of the valley side are granodiorites cut by lamprophyre dykes and intruded with dolerite; old compact silty till, including Peleus or Jason Till, and younger up-valley coarser tills with a variety of basement rock types included, mantle the valley sides; these deposits and the surface features have been weakly modified by fan detritus from intermittent low energy flows originating from gullies from the Olympus Range; slopes below the site have been modified by wave action during times of higher lake levels; the fan sediments are thin and generally form a thin veneer, weakly stratified, poorly sorted and generally only form a thin (< 50cm) deposit
Patterned ground:
Nil at site but some broadly spaced sand filled cracks nearby
Surface weathering or surface features:
A pavement of mainly angular to subangular pebbles, some very weakly ventiform and with negligible surface staining; no surface salts visible


Soil parent material:
Stratified weakly to moderately sorted fan sediments over old sandy silty till
Previous disturbance:
Soil weathering stage:
6 1 (Campbell & Claridge 1975)
Soil moisture status:
Xerous; dry with no identifiable source of free water
Biological activity:
None observed
Profile Description
757c light grey (10YR 7/2) cobbly gravelly sand; moderately cohesive and moderately developed vesicular structure; rock particles subangular to subrounded and unstained; sharp boundary
757a -2 – 0 cm surface pavement of small pebbles and granules; mostly subangular and unstained,
757b 0 – 14 cm greyish brown (10YR 5/2) pebbly to granular gravelly sand; weakly cohesive; rock particles subangular and unstained; distinct boundary,
757d 25 – 45 cm light brownish grey (10YR 6/2) pebbly granular sand; weakly cohesive; weak sedimentary layering; rock particles subangular and unstained; sharp boundary,
757e 45 – 74 cm pale yellow to light yellowish brown (2.5Y 7/4-6/4) sandy pebble and cobble gravel; moderately to strongly cohesive; rock particles subangular to rounded, some with weak staining; sharp boundary;
757f 74 – 90 cm light brownish grey (2.5Y 6/2) bouldery silty to sandy gravel; moderately cohesive; rock particles are mainly subangular to subrounded and unstained but the upper part of the horizon has some partly oxidised subrounded clasts (cont.); rock particles..clasts with small strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) oxidised fine earth patches and is probably a thin paleosol, on light brownish grey till

Sample Data

Physical Data
Sample nameDepth descriptionTop (cm)Base (cm)Bulk DensityDry Bulk DensityGravimetric MoistureVol. Moisture (BD=2)
757a 2-0 -2 0 16.0
757b 0-14 0 14 78.0
757c 63.0
757d 25-45 25 45 70.0
757e 45-74 45 74 63.0
757f 74-90 74 90 82.0
Particle size distribution
Sample name< 2 mm2 - 0.5 mm0.5 - 0.25 mm0.25 - 0.1 mm0.1 - 0.05 mm0.05 - 0.02 mm0.02 - 0.002 mm< 0.002 mmFe2O3CaCO3Notes
757a 0.17
757b 0.4
757c 0.79
757d 0.79
757e 1.33
757f 2.06
Clay Mineralogy
757a :
757b :
757c :
757d :
757e :
757f :
National Soil Archive Samples
Sample nameNSA Sample IdContainer typeFraction type
757a M22/4323 White lid small oven dry
757a M22/4324 medium fine
757b M22/4326 White lid small oven dry
757b M22/4327 medium fine
757c M22/4329 White lid small oven dry
757c M22/4330 medium fine
757d M22/4332 White lid small oven dry
757d M22/4333 medium fine
757e M22/4335 White lid small oven dry
757e M22/4336 medium fine
757f M22/4338 White lid small oven dry
757f M22/4339 medium fine
757a M22/4322 large mixed
757a M22/8996 Glass vial metal lid
757b M22/4325 large mixed
757b M22/8997 Glass vial metal lid
757c M22/4328 large mixed
757c M22/8998 Glass vial metal lid
757d M22/4331 large mixed
757d M22/8999 Glass vial metal lid
757e M22/4334 large mixed
757e M22/9000 Glass vial metal lid
757f M22/4337 large mixed
757f M22/9001 Glass vial metal lid


Photo record: