Long Term Ecological Research (nematode experimental area) site investigation of soil properties; this site (LTER 2) was chosen for daily repeat sampling to measure changes in soil moisture content after irrigation of a meter square plot with 14 litres of water; this was the eleventh sampling after the initial irrigation
15m southeast of LTM Datalogger plot, approximately 100m south of Lake Hoare, on the lower slope of a ridge which forms part of an undulating ridge and gully/basin topography; the soil sampling site was on the south and upslope side of the LTM datalogger plot, which comprises a series of plastic cones covering the soil surface; the site has an even, stony gravel surface with slope increasing towards the ridge just to the south; this sampling site is designated LTER 2k and was approximately 10m to the southeast of LTER 1
90 m
7 °
Location Data
Latitude Longitude DMS
77° 37.99' S 162° 52.92' E
Latitude Longitude DD
-77.63320 162.88200
Latitude longitude precision DD
0.00008 0.00008
Near Lake Hoare, Taylor Valley, McMurdo Dry Valley region, Transantarctic Mountains
Lake Bonney Quadrangle, Antarctic 1:50,000 Topographic Series, USGS 1975
Soil climate zone:
Coastal mountain
Estimated mean annual temperature:
Frozen ground depth:
0 Nd
Frozen type:
Frozen comment:
Geological setting:
The deposit is unweathered Ross I till, possibly derived from the Canada Glacier but almost certainly with an up-valley influence because of the presence of marble clasts from basement rocks; the tills may be fluvio-glacial owing to complex depositional ice-marginal processes as the sand % generally increases downwards while there are noticeably more coarse clasts at the surface
Patterned ground:
Moderately developed 10x20m elongate net with 20cm deep troughs, 75cm wide
Surface weathering or surface features:
A few clasts slightly oxidised and some weak ventifaction; grey calcium carbonate coatings abundant beneath many surface clasts
Soil parent material:
Predominantly granite/gneiss/schist sandy gravel with minor amounts of dolerite, volcanic (scoria), sandstone and marble
Previous disturbance:
Site probably disturbed by foot traffic activity during biological research activities near the site