Site Information

Site number:
Date recorded:
Reason Sampled:
Soil weathering examination
A broad flattish hollow in a stepped surface approximately 1.3km N of the Taylor Glacier; a site which probably periodically accumulates some thaw waters; the sample site is from near the centre of the hollow
1050 m
0 °
Location Data
Observer IBC GGC
Latitude Longitude DMS 77° 43' S 162° 06' E 77° 43' S 162° 06' E
Latitude Longitude DD -77.717 162.100 -77.717 162.100
Latitude longitude precision DD 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008
Locality Taylor Dry Valley, McMurdo Dry Valley region, Rhone Glacier
Survey USGS 1:50,000 Antarctic Topo. Ser. Lake Bonney Quadrangle


Soil climate zone:
Inland Mountain
Estimated mean annual temperature:
-25 °C
Frozen ground depth:
10 cm
Frozen type:
Hard ice-cemented
Frozen comment:


Geological setting:
Several prominent bench surfaces above Taylor Glacier may mark former glacial erosion surfaces; weathering increases with increasing elevation; the landscape is old but there are a few periodic stream flows from snow patch thaws that have resulted in some more recent sediment movement; sediment and water that accumulates in depressions results in formation of salty hollows
Patterned ground:
Surface weathering or surface features:
A thin powdery salt crust; the surface is a fine sandy granular and pebble pavement


Soil parent material:
Sandy gravel alluvium in a saline hollow
Previous disturbance:
Soil weathering stage:
6 2 (Campbell & Claridge 1975)
Soil moisture status:
No water present but the subsurface soil is moist possibly due to higher salinity and a depressed freezing point
Biological activity:
Nil observed
Profile Description
328a 0 – 1 cm light yellowish brown to pale brown (2.5Y 6/4 - 10YR 6/3) sandy pebbly gravel; loose to weakly cohesive; extensive thin surface powdery salt precipitation; rock particles subrounded and unstained; sharp boundary,
328b 1 – 3 cm light olive brown to olive (2.5Y 6/4 - 5Y 6/3) sand; moist; rock particles angular and unstained; sharp boundary,
328c 3 – 10 cm light olive brown to olive (2.5Y 6/4 - 5Y 6/3) granular sand; firmly cohesive; frosted

Sample Data

Physical Data
Sample nameDepth descriptionTop (cm)Base (cm)Bulk DensityDry Bulk DensityGravimetric MoistureVol. Moisture (BD=2)
328a 0-1cm 0.0 1.0 No
328b 1-3cm 1.0 3.0 No
328c 3-10cm 3.0 10.0 No
Sample solution chemistry
Sample namepHNa meq/100gCa meq/100gMg meq/100gK meq/100gCl meq/100gSO4 meq/100gNO3 meq/100gEC mmho/cmSoluble SaltNotes
328a 8.9 49.5 5.4 8.1 0.8 23.7 35.4 6.3 10.0 .  
328b 8.1 49.5 1.7 6.9 0.9 46.5 4.6 9.7 11.5 .  
328c 9.5 24.5 0.3 0.6 0.3 14.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 .  
Particle size distribution
Sample name< 2 mm2 - 0.5 mm0.5 - 0.25 mm0.25 - 0.1 mm0.1 - 0.05 mm0.05 - 0.02 mm0.02 - 0.002 mm< 0.002 mmFe2O3CaCO3Notes
328a 28.9 11.9 43.1 5.3 9.4 0.6 0.38 0.33 .
328b 3.6 6.1 74.8 11.8 2.0 0.8 0.3 0.43 .
328c 1.8 3.2 78.4 14.0 1.2 0.8 0.2 0.38 .
Clay Mineralogy
328a 30.0 . . . . . 10.0 . . . . . . . disordered:
328b disordered mica:
328c disordered mica:
National Soil Archive Samples
Sample nameNSA Sample IdContainer typeFraction type
328a M22/1790 White lid small coarse
328a M22/1791 White lid small fine
328a M22/7268 Glass vial metal lid
328b M22/1792 White lid small coarse
328b M22/1793 White lid small fine
328b M22/7269 Glass vial metal lid
328c M22/1794 White lid small fine


Photo record: